Frequently asked questions

Crypto Monkey Anonymous
6 min readMar 14, 2022

Please note that this document will be updated periodically, if you have questions head over to our discord and engage with us.

· What is the goal for the #CMA squad?

The Vision of #CMA is to bring selflessness back, and enable a community to coach, mentor, and advise those that need it the most! Through a sincere way of giving and a purposeful way of living you can inspire others to reach their maximum capacity as a human being. Our goal is to bring a wave of charity across the world, to help people become self-sufficient and successful and then for them to pass on this knowledge, hence building a chain-reaction of both personal and professional growth and development.

· Where can I read more about your roadmap?

you can find all updates on our medium page, where our #CMA Squad member posts on a frequent basis. It is all out in the open we hide nothing but our identities. If you want a high-level overview, you can head over to our website, and read more about it there.

· How many NFTs is in circulation?

Depending on when you read this the number will vary of how many NFTs will be minted and available for sales. However, we have a hard cap at 10.000 NFTs, once that gets hit, we will literally burn all our blueprints so we, the #CMA Squad cannot “mint” more.

· Where can I check if my NFT is an original #CMA piece?

You can head over to our website and look up the “technical specification” tab, there you will see a long list of numbers and letters, look up your NFT number (it will be #CMA:xxxxx where x represents your number) then compare your Hash ID (can be found on your NFT) to the one on our website, if it matches — you know it is an original #CMA NFT.

· Where can I buy your NFT?

You can buy our NFT on Solsea,

· Can you explain your drop and price model?

We believe in fair distribution, and in a fair pricing model, so when we do a new drop we will drop a themed collection in initial increments, and let the market absorb that, instead of dropping all at once. Now there is a good and a bad side to this model, the good side is that you as the owner are ensured that we do not flood the market all at once, to avoid any so-called toxic dumping, the bad news is that it can mean that for us to drop the entire collection, it might take extra time as we will not drop till the initial increments has been sold out. We are confident that dropping in 20% increments is the right model for us.

As to our pricing model, our price ranges from 0.1 Solana to 1 Solana, depending on attributes and uniqueness of our character, the more attributes, layers, and accessories the more unique it becomes hence price goes up. In certain cases, we can drop a fully unique themed collection of ultra-limited number (say 5 pieces as an examples) price would enter at 1 Solana by default.

· Is your NFT a good investment?

No, it is not, it is a great investment! In all honesty it is relative what is a good investment. We need to look at it in multi-dimensions, what is your time horizon, do you understand our bigger picture vision, do you align yourself with that, are you going to flip it, it all depends on what you are looking to do with our NFT. Overall, we are committed to do everything we can to ensure it will be an investment worth not only your money but also your time and energy!

· I don’t understand the point about your investment fund, can you explain?

Once the initial investments and costs has been fully recovered by our #CMA squad (read updates from our master of coins Bucky himself on our medium page) all further profit goes into a fund, that will be unlocked for use by the community for the community, once NFT 10.000 has dropped and sold out! Now there are guidelines and rules behind what it can and should be used for, to maximize local communities but fundamentally we will unlock the fund and it will be a community-based fund to support projects from our #CMA community that will have an impact on the world. For a deeper understanding of the fund, profits, revenues etc. you really should follow Bucky’s post on our medium page as he publishes insight ongoingly, including portfolio details etc.

· How did you come up with the idea for #CMA?

The idea for #CMA was originally born a long time ago, our professional background covers almost all sphere of doing business, start-ups, marketing, sales, business development, strategies, consulting etc. Two things connected all the original #CMA Squad members, a) our love for Crypto (now digital assets), b) community activities, c) coaching and developing our surroundings. We came together over the past years via social media and the conversation started taking shape, and in 2021 we started to map everything, and went live in 2022 and never looked back.

· Why are you so tight on anonymity?

Who we are and what we look like literally has nothing to do with what we are trying to achieve! If you are truly selfless and focus only on helping another person become successful it is not about you, so why is our identity important? The people we are helping are important, not our names or faces. We also take security very seriously as we have families and children and we do not need to shine any unnecessary spotlight on their lives.

· What is your strategy long term?

See point about “beyond intent”, it will explain our goal and vision.

· What is “beyond intent”?

Please see the abstract posted on our website for more details around ‘beyond intent”, and potentially reach out to Issey to discuss how you can get involved in it, but our goal is to grow into a DAO (Decentralized autonomous organization) that will work towards fulfilling our vision of “beyond intent”.

· Are you VC backed?

The Monkeys are paying everything themselves; we are funding everything out of our own pocket.

· How can you ensure this is not a pump and dump scheme?

We have no interest in keeping the profit from the sales of our NFT, as explained under the point of pricing model, when our costs are recovered, all profit will be tied up in a fund that will unlock the moment that NFT 10.000 will be sold. The fund will be used for community investments to help our members financially, to kick off their own projects. We are very transparent around our treasury and post it openly on our medium page, you are more than welcome to go and subscribe there and follow the updates. An important question to ask yourself however is this, if we do not keep any of the profit, but will hand it over to our community, would we have any interest in short term gains or do you think we would work our asses of, to make sure we walk the talk, and deliver the maximum for our community, to ensure that they can become successful? Our ultimate measure of success is measured in how many people we can make successful. It really is that easy, there are no shortcuts with us, just hustling and grinding daily for the benefit of our community!

· If I would like to support the #CMA community, how can I get started?

Simple join our discord channel, reach out to us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram and we will share the first steps to selflessness according to the #CMA Squad. But to start right away, spread the word, use #CMAFAM on your posts, like, comment, share our posts that is a way to help right away.

· How can I nominate a project for potential funding?

If you are on our discord channel, and own one of our NFTs you can find a) the nomination process and b) the criteria for nomination. But remember no funds will be available till the unlock after NFT number 10.000 has been sold.

· Do you have your own token?

No we don’t, well at least not for now (wink wink), but we have already had conversations about creating one. So we are not ruling out that we will get one in the future.

· What benefits comes with buying and owning your NFT?

Besides owning a cool piece of art, you mean. Below we list some of the most obvious benefits for you as an owner of our NFT.

o Voting rights for community spending of funds

o Beta access to upcoming projects we will deploy funds into

o Direct business mentorship / coaching by the #CMA Squad

o Royalties and commercial rights,

o Unlimited access to “beyond intent” global coaching community (see roadmap for more info)

o Early access to our limited-edition merchandise store (yes it will come as well!)



Crypto Monkey Anonymous

The official Medium page for #CMA — roadmap, communication and interviews will be posted here!